Martina Pezer, PhD

  • Position
    Researcher, Institute of Public Finance
  • Education
    • 2020 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb – PhD
    • 2012 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb – MSc
    • 2011 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb – B. A.
  • Professional experience
    • since 2016 Researcher, Institute of Public Finance
    • 2015 – 2016 Senior Demand Planner, Coca-Cola HBC
    • 2013 – 2014 Demand Planner, Coca-Cola HBC
    • 2013 Account Manager, NTH group
  • Research interests
    • tax-benefit microsimulation
    • economic analysis of family policies
    • poverty and income inequality

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Artikl Kom. Cijena
Ukupno: 0.00 €

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Artikl Cijena Količina Ukupno
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