Institute of Public Finance (IPF) signed The Declaration of Commitment to The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers on 28 May 2010. That emphasizes the Institute's orientation to support European initiatives in further development of researchers' mobility in Europe. At the same time, by signing the Declaration, IPF clearly expresses its support to the European initiative which is also an opportunity to additionally strengthen its efforts in improving employment, working conditions and supporting the researchers' careers.

According to the recommendations of the European Commission, with the goal of drafting the Human Resource Strategy for Researchers – Action plan, IPF has conducted an internal analysis by evaluating existing institutional procedures in implementation of the Charter and Code. The final result of the analysis was filling out the Self-evaluation Questionnaire that offers answers to 40 questions divided into four chapters: I. Ethical and professional aspects, II. Recruitment, III. Working conditions and social security and IV. Training.

After completing the internal analysis the work group concluded that the IPF's practice is already mostly in accordance with the general principles of the Charter and Code but that there is still room for improvement. So it prepared the draft of Human Resources Strategy for Researchers – Action plan that contains priority areas in which IPF has to make an additional effort in implementation of the principles from Charter and Code. The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers – Action plan was adopted by the Scientific Board of the Institute of Public Finance on 20 September 2012.

After evaluating the Strategy of Human Resources for Researchers – Action Plan, the DG for Research and Innovation of the European Commission awarded IPF with the recognition HR Excellence in Research on 28 September 2012, confirming that IPF in high level respects the rules of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for Their Recruitment.

See more on: EURAXESS European Commission and Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes.

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