Godina završetka:

Social protection, taxation and social welfare in Croatia

  • For:

  • Source of funding: National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026 (Ministry of Science and Education)

  • Performer :

  • Project leader:

    • Slavko Bezeredi, Institute of Public Finance


    • Marijana Bađun, Institute of Public Finance
    • Sara Čulo, Institute of Public Finance
    • Josip Franić, Institute of Public Finance
    • Martina Pezer, Institute of Public Finance
    • Ivica Urban, Institute of Public Finance
    • Emil Vargović, Institute of Public Finance

  • Project description:

    The project analyses three interconnected topics: social protection, taxation and social welfare in Croatia. An efficient taxation system aligning with principles of equity is imperative to finance social protection. The shared objectives of social protection and taxation systems are to ensure greater social welfare and reduce inequality and poverty compared to a scenario without state intervention. 


    This research aims to reveal whether the state, through the social protection and taxation systems, successfully achieves greater social welfare, i.e., lower inequality and poverty. Special attention will be paid to analysing the impact of recently implemented reforms in the mentioned areas on selected economic indicators. Furthermore, we will explore alternative reform solutions inspired by tax-benefit policies implemented in selected EU countries. The research will emphasise the effectiveness of the tax and social insurance systems in gathering funds; that is, it will try to determine the potential causes that encourage citizens to avoid paying their tax obligations.


    Details of the project and a list of published articles are available in the Croatian Research Information System – CroRIS.

  • Project duration: January 2024 - December 2027

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