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Study supporting the mid-term evaluation of the ESF+ during the programming period 2021 - 2027

  • For: European Commission

  • Performer :

  • Contributor:

    • Martina Pezer, Institute of Public Finance

  • Project description:

    ESF+ is a crucial part of the five European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), channeling over 50% of the EU budget to help Member States reduce socio-economic gaps and achieve convergence, aligning with Cohesion Policy goals. The project aimed to:
    • examine changes in design, relevance, and interaction with other EU instruments compared to the 2014-2020 period,
    • look into simplification measures within ESF+,
    • identify opportunities for further simplifications,
    • recognize challenges arising compared to 2014-2020 and suggest improvements.

    The goal was to provide a study supporting the evaluation of ESF+, ensuring more effective resource utilization in line with evolving socio-economic needs.

    The Institute of Public Finance participated in desk research and conducted nine interviews with various stakeholders, including coordinating, managing, and intermediary bodies, fund beneficiaries, and academia.

    Project leader: Ecorys

  • Project duration: December 2023 – May 2024

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